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Monday, 6 October 2008

Think pink!!

As our crop on Saturday falls in the middle of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we've decided to think pink and raise a bit of extra money for the 'Think Pink' breast cancer fund. We'll be actively looking to raise money to fight breast cancer all day and you'll be able to help!

We'll have 'Think Pink' pins for sale in the shop, we'll be decorating the hall with pink ballons and donating money for every pink item sold in the shop! One of the girls coming along sent me a text today suggesting that we could all bring along the stash that we haven't used (and aren't really likely to!) and we'll have a trading table where you can get some new goodies for a donation - how does that sound? You just need to dig out some bits and bobs that you no longer want but someone else could use (one man's trash could be another one's treasure!!) and bring it along on the day. Even if you can't join us for the day but would like to help out, you can - we'll have the pins for sale online through the shop and we'll donate 10% of all pink things sold during October.

This is a cause that I am passionate about, we have had 2 of our club members diagnosed with breast cancer over the past few years and it has made us all very aware that this can happen to anyone. I'd love to raise a big chunk of money to help make a difference - so come on girls, THINK PINK!!

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