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Tuesday 1 January 2013

One word for 2013

Each year, rather than make a single resolution I pick a word to focus on for the coming year. Sometimes it has been something specific that I really want to focus on and other times it has been more general. In recent years I chose 'organise' and really put my mind to getting my calendar and design work better planned. I've also picked 'connect' with the goal to get better connected to family and friends. The funny thing is that these words have ways of creeping into other aspects of my life and creating positive change. 'Organise' didn't just crop up in my business life, I found myself organising other parts of my life - planning redecoration and getting back to driving again. These one little words have been very powerful things to focus on and so it's something I'm going to continue!

So what about this year? In the past my words have come to me easily but I struggled a bit this time. I know that there are some big things coming up in 2013, my son becomes an adult, is due to finish 6th form and we are going to be moving home. I'm ready to move forward and embrace all of these things and also want to leave some tough stuff behind. When I spoke to my sister about my search for my word she started talking about how she saw me as a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis (don't ask, it did make sense in the context of our chat!!). She suggested 'transform' but that didn't sit comfortably. After a bit more thought I realised that the word I was looking for was 'change'.

There is a lot of change due to come our way over the course of the next 12 months, some of it exciting and some a little scary! There are things I'd like to change about myself, my business and my relationships. I see change as a force for good whether its forced upon us or we choose it and it seems a really good choice for the coming year.

So what about you? If you were to pick a word for 2013 for yourself what would it be? Would you rather make a resolution? I'd be really interested to see what words or resolutions you pick xxx


Jeans Pers said...

i would like to pick the word "love"
wanna have some joyful year by showing love to your blogs

Denise said...

Happy New Year ! I've emailed you today regarding renewing my subscription please - thank you xx